Being able to shop for food is an important part of staying well and independent as we age. Eating well is important to maintain good health, no matter what your age. Therefore, being able to shop for food is critical for older people to live well at home.
For most people a daily or weekly food and grocery shop is an essential part of routine. For many browsing round the shops picking the food you want is a pleasure in daily life. Whilst it can be a laborious process for older people, for many it is a personal activity that enables them to have choice and independence in their life.
There are various factors that make it more difficult including difficulty getting to shops, either by being in a more rural area or not being able to drive anymore.
Even if you can get to the shops, the layout of them may not be suitable with high- or low-level shelves and a lack of adequate rest facilities. There is also the physical strain of having to push a trolley or carry the bags home.
The alternative option of online shopping is also limiting with the lack of social interaction and the need to be able to use a computer or device to be able to place the orders and pay online.
Our assisted shopping service provides a range of benefits in older people including preventing malnutrition, reducing isolation and allowing independence to remain in your own home. We can be flexible and can help you with food shopping as much as you wish.
For some this might be help with planning the weekly menu and what foods and groceries need to be purchased. For others they can accompany you to the shop to provide support or help with the online shopping.