Out of Hours [email protected]

Assisted trips to appointments or social activities

We can help you get out and about! Our dedicated staff can accompany you to appointments or go along to social events if required to help reduce the feeling of isolation.

People can become socially isolated for a variety of reasons, such as getting older or weaker, no longer being the hub of their family, leaving the workplace, the deaths of spouses and friends, or through disability or illness.

Whatever the cause, it's shockingly easy to be left feeling alone and vulnerable, which can lead to depression and a serious decline in physical health and wellbeing.

At Sansum Cares we know that going to social activities can be daunting especially if you are less mobile or able to get around using transport. We also know that using public transport can be stressful and unpredictable or taxis can be very expensive and impersonal. Our lovely staff would be on hand to accompany you to appointments, shopping trips and social activities. Using either public transport or driving you and then being with you for the duration.

This stress-free service also allows you to enhance your daily life with social connection and the ability to do the things you want to do and enjoy them with less hassle and lovely company.

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Enquire now

We truly believe that quality of life can be enhanced with support in gaining social connection and having help around the home.

If you are in a similar circumstance to what we have described, we would love to hear from you.

Are you looking for care for yourself or a loved one?

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